TYPE. UNTED STATES. NEW YORK, Long Island, Suffolk County, Northville, junction of Pier Avenue and South Shore Road, on black oak, I.M. Brodo 774 (MSC, holotype--originally labelled Pertusaria tuberculifera)
Description. Lichenized fungus.
Thallus crustose, thick and irregular, pale greenish gray, often shiny, spotted with white maculae; vegetative diaspores absent; photobiont Trebouxia alga. Ascomata apothecia in thalline warts 1-2.5 mm diam. with 1-5 ostioles per wart representing number of embedded apothecia; fertile warts are numerous and locally crowded. Epithecium hyaline or dark, K- or weakly K+ wine red; hymenium hyaline to pink; hypothecium hyaline or pallid. Asci narrowly cylindrical, 8-spored, uniseriate. Ascospores hyaline, large, 50-130 x 25-45 μm, walls smooth. Pycnidia not seen.
Chemistry. UV+ bright yellow (lichexanthone), K-, KC-, PD- (2’-O-methylperlatolic acid and sometimes planaic acid).
Substrate and Habitat. On bark of hardwood trees, rarely conifers or rocks, in forests.
Distribution. Eastern North America; in North Carolina found throughout.
Brodo, I.M., S. Duran Sharnoff & S. Sharnoff. (2001) Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven & London. 795 pp.
Dibben, M.J. (1980) The chemosystematics of the Lichen Genus Pertusaria in North America North of Mexico. Publications in Biology and Geology No. 5, Milwaukee Public Museum Press, Milwaukee. 162 pp.