Family: Umbilicariaceae
[Gyromium proboscideum (L.) Wahlenb., moreGyrophora corrugata (Hoffm.) Flörke, Gyrophora deusta var. corrugata (Hoffm.) Turner & Borrer, Gyrophora deusta var. fimbriata Turner & Borrer, Gyrophora deusta var. mesenteriformis sensu Turner & Borrer, non (Wulfen) Turner & Borrer, Gyrophora exasperata (Hoffm.) Flörke nom. rejic., Gyrophora glabra var. corrugata (Hoffm.) Ach., Gyrophora heteroidea var. corrugata Ach., Lich. Univ.: 219 (1810), Gyrophora hyperborea var. corrugata (Hoffm.) Th. Fr., Gyrophora jacquinii (J.F. Gmel.) Ach., Gyrophora polymorpha var. proboscidea (L.) Schaer., Gyrophora proboscidea (L.) Ach., Gyrophora proboscidea f. fimbriata (Turner & Borrer) Mudd, Gyrophora proboscidea f. proboscidea (L.) Ach., Gyrophora proboscidea var. deplicans (Nyl.) Cromb., Gyrophora proboscidea var. exasperata Ach., Gyrophora proboscidea var. jacquinii (J.F. Gmel.) Ach., Gyrophora proboscidea var. proboscidea (L.) Ach., Gyrophora proboscidea var. pulla (Wulfen) Zahlbr., Lecidea polymorpha var. proboscidea (L.) Spreng., Lecidea proboscidea (L.) Colla, Lichen deustus Lightf. nom. illegit., Lichen exasperatus (Hoffm.) J.F. Gmel. nom. rejic., Lichen jacquinii J.F. Gmel., Lichen proboscideus L., Lichen pullus Wulfen nom. illegit., Umbilicaria corrugata Hoffm., Umbilicaria corrugata f. corrugata Hoffm., Umbilicaria corrugata var. corrugata Hoffm., Umbilicaria cylindrica f. exasperata (Turner & Borrer) Leight., Umbilicaria exasperata Hoffm. nom. rejic., Umbilicaria polyphylla f. corrugata (Hoffm.) Schade, Umbilicaria proboscidea f. corrugata (Hoffm.) Leight., Umbilicaria proboscidea f. deplicans (Nyl.) Oxner, Umbilicaria proboscidea f. exasperata (Ach.) Oxner, Umbilicaria proboscidea f. fimbriata (Turner & Borrer) Leight., Umbilicaria proboscidea f. mesenteriformis , Umbilicaria proboscidea f. proboscidea (L.) Schrad., Umbilicaria proboscidea var. corrugata (Hoffm.) DC., Umbilicaria proboscidea var. deplicans Nyl., Umbilicaria proboscidea var. exasperata (Hoffm.) Nyl. nom. rejic., Umbilicaria proboscidea var. proboscidea (L.) Schrad., Umbilicaria proboscidea var. pulla (Wulfen) Frey, Umbilicaria varia f. corrugata (Hoffm.) Leight., Umbilicaria varia f. exasperata (Turner & Borrer) Leight., Umbilicaria varia f. fimbriata (Turner & Borrer) Leight.] |
Life habit: lichenized (mutualistic with algal photobionts) thallus: peltate, umbilicate thallus: continuous, diffuse, effuse [th] upper surface: grey(ish) black | brown(ish) black [th upper surface]: pruinose [th upper surface] pruina: scarce, sparse, fine | dense [th marginal and upper surface] specific structures: absent | present [th margin] cilia, cilioid structures: absent [th upper surface] isidia, isidioid structures: absent [th upper surface] soredia, soralia, soralioid structures: absent [th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) width [mm]: (low) 20.0 (high) 40.0 (max) 60.0 [th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, squamules): distantly discontiguous [th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) upper surface: smooth, plane | rugose, plicate, folded, pustulate, faveolate, wrinkled [th] lower surface: brown(ish) (if pale: fawn, tan; if mid: cinnamon) | brown(ish) grey [th lower surface] specific structures: absent | present [th lower surface] rhizines, rhizoid structures: absent | present [th lower surface] rhizines, rhizinoid structures: unbranched, simple | irregularly branched, irregular ascomata: absent | present ascoma: apothecial, apothecioid hymenial ascoma [mm]: (low) 0.5 (high) 1.5 ascoma: sessile, superficial | subpedicellate, substipitate, subpedunculate, substalked [ascm, if apoth] disc, mazaedium: plane, flat, flattened, expanded | subconvex, slightly convex [ascm, if apoth] disc, mazaedium: black(ish) [ascm, if apoth] disc, mazaedium: epruinose [ascm, if apoth] margin surface; [if perith] periostiolar area, ostiole, involucrellum: black(ish) [ascm, if apoth] margin excipular photobionts: absent [ascm, if apoth] subhymenial layers, hypothecium; [if perith] basal excipulum: brown(ish) (if pale: fawn, tan; if mid: cinnamon) [ascm] paraphyses/-oids: present [ascm] paraphyses/-oid cells width [µm]: (median) 1.7 [ascm] epihymenium, epithecium: black(ish) | brown(ish) black asci: lecanoralean [asc] tholus: thickened [asc] tholus amyloidity (iodine reaction): present [asc] tholus amyloidity pattern: entirely amyloid (= Catillaria-, Teloschistes-types etc) ascospores: (median) 8.0 [asp] shape: ellipsoidal | elongate-fusiform, ellipsoidal-fusiform [asp] length [µm]: (low) 10.0 (high) 17.0 [asp] width [µm]: (low) 3.5 (high) 7.0 [asp] septa: absent spore lumen unilocular, monolocular [asp] pigmentation: hyaline, colourless [asp] perispore, epispore: not apparent conidiomata: absent | present conidia: cylindrical [co] length [µm]: (low) 2.4 (high) 4.0 secondary metabolites: present secondary metabolites: gyrophoric acid | norstictic acid primary photobiont: present secondary photobionts (eg in cephalodia): absent primary photobiont: chlorophytaceous trebouxiaceous, chlorococcoid. substrate: rock siliceous, siliciferous, acidic | rock, stones, pebbles unspecified. |