Thompson, J., 1984. American Arctic Lichens: The Macrolichens.
Primary thallus persistent, closely attached to the substratum, of more or less globose granules; pseudopodetia short, to 1.5 cm tall, 1-3 mm thick, caespitose or simple, sub-terete to flattened, decorticate, more or less sul-cate or split into fibrils, tomentum thin, roseate white, thicker above than below; phyllocladia dense on the upper portion of the pseudopodetium, sparser toward the center, at first subglobose, becoming cylindrical to more or less coralloid, with darker spot-like depressed tips, simple to sparsely branched, robust, to 2 mm long and 0.5 mm diameter, tubulose, whitish ashy, subshiny, lacking isidia or soredia; ce-phalodia on the upper part of the pseudopodetia, large, to 5 mm broad, granulose-glomerate, dark bluish-ashy to olive brownish, containing Scytonema. Apothecia terminal, solitary, large, to 7 mm broad, rounded; disk flat to slightly convex, immarginate, black, dull; hypothecium dark brown; paraphyses slender, distinct, the apices capitate, dark brown; asci subclavate, 8 spored; spores hyaline, subfusiform, blunt or with one tip blunt, straight, 15-37 x 3-6.5 µ.
Reactions: K+ yellow, P— .
Contents: atranorin and lobaric acid.
This species grows on rocks. It is an amphi-Beringian species known from Japan, Kamtchatka, and Alaska.