Cornell University Plant Pathology Herbarium (CUP)

CUP's Lichen Herbarium contains historical and recent, local and worldwide lichens, totaling about 10,000 specimens.

Contacts: Teresa Iturriaga,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: f05bb6bc-1bc4-42af-aed1-24ff09e264d5
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium
Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium
334 Plant Science
School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY   14853
Collection Statistics
  • 11,032 specimen records
  • 1,304 (12%) georeferenced
  • 8,354 (76%) with images (8,377 total images)
  • 9,501 (86%) identified to species
  • 111 families
  • 401 genera
  • 1,721 species
  • 1,842 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution - Belgium
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