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Collection Profile for:
Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA-Lichens)

The Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) is a private, non-profit, member-based institution located in Flagstaff, Arizona at the base of the beautiful San Francisco Peaks. The Museum was founded in 1928 by Harold S. Colton and Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton and was originally established to protect and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of northern Arizona through research, collections, conservation and education. MNA's mission to inspire a sense of love and responsibility for the beauty and diversity of the Colorado Plateau through collecting, studying, interpreting, and preserving the region’s natural and cultural heritage. Located in the Easton Collection Center on MNA’s Research Campus, the McDougall Herbarium focuses on plant, fungi, and lichen collections from the Colorado Plateau. It contains examples of most of the flora of northern Arizona and is particularly strong in plants of the Grand Canyon region.


Collection Statistics

  • 6 specimen records
  • 3 (50%) georeferenced
  • 1 (17%) with images (1 total images)
  • 2 (33%) identified to species
  • 5 families
  • 5 genera
  • 2 species
  • 2 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update:
Global Unique Identifier: bc3d0f5b-c0b0-4a76-a7cc-9fc7eebd4bef
Digital Metadata: EML File
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