
Flora Silesiaca exsiccata. Zielnik Roślin Śląska. fascicle LIX
(IndExs #1865736703)
Abbreviation: Kozioł, Fl. Siles. Exs. IX [Wrocław]
Editor(s): Kozioł, E.
Range: 1451-1475
Notes: fungi/lichens; preceded by Kozioł & Charytonowicz, Fl. Siles. Exs. [Wrocław] (#1401-1450); superseded by Kozioł & Charytonowicz, Fl. Siles. Exs. [Wrocław] (#1501-1600); this is fascicle LIX of the whole series with the subtitle "Plantae cryptogamae Lichenes Pars II"