
Lichenes exsiccati [Lichenes Jurae]
(IndExs #540905952)
Abbreviation: Arnold, Lich. Exs. Lich. Jur. [Eichstätt]
Editor(s): Ferdinand Christian Gustav Arnold
Range: 1-1816
Notes: fungi/lichens; superseded by Arnold, Lich. Exs. [München] (#737-1816); the original title was Lichenes Jurae et allarum regionum exsiccati, acc. to Sydow; until number 737 set was listed as Lichenes Jurae or Juraflechten; Bot. Centralbl. lists numbers 870-904 as Lich. eur. exs. Tiroliae et Bavariae;the No. 686d was collected in 1881, this date - after the publishing date of the series in 1879 - indicates that the editor recollected material and distributed it later as an addition under "d"