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Lichenes minus cogniti exsiccati
IndExs #2147199777
Abbreviation: Ohmura, Lich. Minus Cogn. Exs. [Tokyo]
Editor(s): Yoshihito Ohmura
Range: 376-675
Notes: fungi/lichens; preceded Kashiwadani, Lich. Minus Cogn. Exs. [Tokyo] (#1-375)
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Abbayes, Lich. Armor. Exs. [Briocensi] [1-80] (#438)
Abbayes, Lich. Armor. Exs. [Rhedonis] [81-120] (#437)
Abbayes, Lich. Gall. Exs. [Rennes] [1-60] (#439)
Abbayes, Lich. Madagascar. Borb. Exs. [Rennes] [1-40] (#247)
Allescher & Schnabl, Fungi Bav. [1-700] (#479)
Almborn, Lich. Afr. [Lund] [1-150] (#248)
Anderson, Lich. W. N. Amer. [Denver (Colorado), no. 1] [1-25] (#242)
Anonymous, Calif. Fungi [Berkeley] [1-1425] (#23)
Anonymous, Fl. Hung. Exs. [Budapest] [1-1000] (#249)
Anonymous, Krypt. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [1-100] (#78)
Anonymous, Reliqu. Suzaianae [Praha (Prague)] [1-100] (#385)
Anonymous, Reliqu. Tuckermanianae [Cambridge (Massachusetts)] [1 - 150] (#209)
Anonymous, Sandwich I Lichens [1-1172] (#323)
Anzi, Lich. Etruriae Rar. Exs. [Novi-Comi] [1-53] (#250)
Anzi, Lich. Exs. Ital. Auct. Massal. [n/a] [1-360] (#98)
Anzi, Lich. Exs. Minus Rari Ital. Super. [Novi-Comi ] [1-400] (#251)
Anzi, Lich. Prov. Sondr. Novi-Comensi Exs. [Novi-Comi (?)] [1-288 [300?]] (#252)
Anzi, Lich. Rar. Langob. Exs. [Novi-Comi] [1-578] (#253)
Anzi, Lich. Rar. Veneti [Novi-Comi] [1-175] (#254)
Arnold, Lich. Exs. Lich. Jur. [Eichstätt] [1-1816] (#349)
Arnold, Lich. Exs. [München] [737-1816] (#370)
Arnold, Lich. Monac. Exs. [München (Munich)] [1-530] (#256)
Asahina, Lich. Japon. Exs. [Tokyo] [1 - 300] (#257)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. I [n/a] [1-1500] (#225)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. II [Milano (Milan)] [651-1500] (#40)
Baker, Pacif. Sl. Lich. (#383)
Baker, Pl. S. Colorad. [1-4] (#204)
Baker, W. Amer. Pl. [Santa Clara (California)] [1-4865] (#187)
Beck & Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [101-400] (#220)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Canar. 1900 [n/a] [?] (#384)
Brenckle, Fungi Dakot. [Kulm (South Dakota)] [1-550] (#359)
Brenckle, Fungi Dakot. [Northville (South Dakota)] [551-675] (#360)
Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [Leipzig] [101-500] (#258)
Britton & Rusby, Pl. Boliv. [n/a] [1-?] (#188)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. aus Fl. Augsb. [Berlin] [1-280] (#347)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. Fl. Augsb. Suppl. I [Berlin] [421-465] (#428)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. Fl. Augsb. Suppl. II [Berlin] [467-540] (#429)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. Fl. von Augsb. [Berlin] [281-420] (#427)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. Südbayern [Berlin] [742-1003] (#431)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. [Berlin] [541-707] (#463)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Südbayern [Berlin] [708-741] (#430)
Brodo & Wong, Lich. Canad. Exs. [Ottawa] [226-250] (#424)
Brodo, Lich. Canad. Exs. [Ottawa] [1-225] (#259)
Calkins, N. Am. Lich. (#382)
Carroll, Lich. Hibern. Exs. [Cork] [1-40] (#260)
Cavara, Fungi Longob. Exs. [1-250] (#508)
Claudel, Claudel & Harmand, Lich. Gall. [Docellis Vogesorum] [1-550] (#95)
Clements & Clements, Crypt. Format. Colorad. [Lincoln (Nebraska)] [1-400] (#368)
Clements & Clements, Crypt. Format. Colorad. [Minneapolis (Minnesota)] [401-615] (#466)
Cretzoiu, Lich. Roman. Exs. [Bucureşti (Bucharest)] [1-140] (#261)
Crombie, Lich. Brit. Exs. [London] [1-200] (#262)
Cummings & Seymour, Dec. N. Amer. Lich. [Wellesley (Massachusetts)] [1-150] (#37)
Cummings, Williams & Seymour, Dec. N. Amer. Lich. [Wellesley (Massachusetts)] [151-360] (#38)
Cummings, Williams & Seymour, Lich. Bor.-Amer. [Wellesley (Massachusetts)] [1-280] (#88)
Czarnota & Kukwa, Lich. Polon. Exs. [Niedźwiedź & Gdańsk] [51-75] (#469)
Ehrhart, Phytophyl. Ehrh. [Hannoverae (Hanover)] [1-100] (#263)
Elenkin, Lich. Fl. Ross. [Petropoli (St. Petersburg)] [1-200] (#264)
Elix, Lich. Australas. Exs. [Canberra] [1 - 300] (#86)
Ellis & Everhart, Fungi Columb. [1-1400] (#480)
Ellis & Everhart, N. Amer. Fungi. Ser. II [Newfield (N.J.)] [1501-3600] (#344)
Ellis, N. Amer. Fungi [Newfield (N.J.)] [1-1500] (#178)
Erbario crittogamico Italiano. Series II [1 - 650] (#406)
Farkas, Lich. Del. Exs. [Vácrátót] [1-60] (#390)
Fałtynowicz & Kukwa, Lich. Polon. Exs. [Wrocław & Gdańsk] [26-50] (#441)
Fałtynowicz & Miądlikowska, Lich. Polon. Exs. [Gdańsk] [1-25] (#265)
Feige & Lumbsch, Umbilicariaceae Exs. [Essen] [1-113] (#266)
Fellman, Lich. Arct. Coll. [Helsingfors] [1-224] (#267)
Filson, Lich. Antarct. Exs. [n/a] [1-?24] (#365)
Flagey, Lich. Alger. [ Azéba, Algérie] [1-307] (#268)
Flagey, Lich. Franche-Comté [1-450] (#413)
Floerke, Deutsche Lich. [Berlin] [1-60] (#460)
Floerke, Deutsche Lich. [Rostock] [61-200] (#269)
Flotow, Lich. Exs. [Hirschberg] [1-?448] (#270)
Follmann & Werner, Lich. Exs. Sel. Colon. [Köln (Cologne)] [421-600] (#432)
Follmann, Lich. Exs. Sel. Colon. [Köln (Cologne)] [381 - 420] (#273)
Follmann: Lich. Exs. Sel. Berol. [Berlin] [1 - 80] (#271)
Follmann: Lich. Exs. Sel. Cassel. [Kassel] [81-380] (#272)
Frahm, Campylopodes Brasil. Exs. [1-32] (#74)
Fries, Lich. Exs. Suec. [Lundae; fascicle XII] [361-390] (#448)
Fries, Lich. Exs. Suec. [Lundae; fascicles III & IV] [61-120] (#443)
Fries, Lich. Exs. Suec. [Lundae; fascicles VII - IX] [181-270] (#445)
Fries, Lich. Svec. Exs. [Lundae, 1818, fascicles I & II - first edition] [1-60] (#442)
Fries, Lich. Svec. Exs. [Lundae, 1824, fascicles I & II - reissued] [1-60] (#345)
Fries, T., Lich. Exs. Suec. [Upsaliae; fascicle XII] [331-360] (#447)
Fries, T., Lich. Scand. Rar. Critic. Exs. [Upsaliae] [1-75] (#381)
Fristedt, Sver. Pharm. Växt. [1-[740]] (#487)
Fritsch, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [Wien (Vienna)] [2801-3600] (#399)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Bes. Fichtelgeb. Ed. II [Leipzig] [166-865] (#371)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Fichtelgeb. And. Geg. Ed. II [126-165] (#470)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Fichtelgeb. Ed. II [Leipzig] [1-125] (#275)
Gyelnik, Lichenoth. [Budapest] [1-20] (#465)
Hafellner, Lichenicolous Biota [Graz] [1-270] (#103)
Hakulinen, Lichenoth. Fenn. [Kuopio] [751-1300] (#228)
Hale, Lich. Amer. Exs. [Morgantown (West Virginia)] [26-75] (#420)
Hale, Lich. Amer. Exs. [Washington, D.C.] [76-250] (#421)
Hale, Lich. Amer. Exs. [Wichita (Kansas)] [1-25] (#276)
Hammer, Clad. Amer. Exs. [oston (Massachusetts)] [1-222] (#33)
Handel-Mazzetti, Iter Sinense [?-?] (#386)
Hansen & Christensen, Lich. Dan. Exs. [Copenhagen] [1-555] (#278)
Hansen, Lich. Groenl. Exs. [Hauniae (Copenhagen)] [1-1074] (#279)
Harmand & Hue, Lich. Lothar. [n/a] [1-?1418] (#376)
Harmand, Claudel & Claudel, Guide Elem. Lichenol. [Epinal] [1-120[122]] (#436)
Harmand, Lich. Gall. Rar. Exs. [Docellis Vogesorum] [1-175] (#280)
Havaas, Lich. Exs. Norveg. [Bergen] [1-725] (#281)
Havaas, Lich. Norveg. Occid. Exs. [Bergen] [1-300] (#282)
Hellbom, Unio Itin. Crypt. (#488)
Heller, Pl. Puerto Rico [n/a] [?] (#203)
Henssen, Lich. Cyanoph. Fungi Saxic. Exs. [Marburg] [26-?75] (#284)
Henssen, Lich. Cyanoph. [Marburg] [1-25] (#283)
Hepp, Flechten Eur. [Zürich (Zurich)] [1-716] (#41)
Herb. Lich. Tartuensi [1-50] (#507)
Herbier cryptogamique ou collection des plantes cryptogames et agames qui croissent en Belgique [351-1400] (#493)
Hertel, Lecideaceae exs. [München (Munich)] [1-380] (#285)
Hertel, Lich. Alp. [München (Munich)] [261-400] (#286)
Herter, Plantae Urug. Exs. [1 - 2700] (#402)
Herter, Plantae Urug. Exs. [Montevideo, Uruguay] [1-2700] (#197)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Chil. [n/a] [1?-3016] (#189)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Ins. Maclov. [Esslingen] [1-90 (or more?)] (#287)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Magellan. [Esslingen] [1003-1008] (#288)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Peruv. [Esslingen] [1 ? -2400 ?] (#511)
Howe, Lich. Nov. Angl. [Concord (Massachusetts)] [1-70] (#358)
Husnot, Pl. Antill. [Caen] [1-? (more than 442)] (#200)
Jack, Leiner & Stizenberger, Krypt. Badens [Constanz (Constance)] [1-1000] (#80)
Jaczewski, Komarov & Tranzschel, Fungi Ross. Exs. [Petropoli (St. Petersburg)] [1-350] (#401)
John, Lich. Anatol. Exs. [München (Munich)] [1-225] (#289)
Jones, Fl. Colorado [n/a] [?] (#45)
Jones, St. Clair, Hollinger, Cooper, Rosentreter, et. al., Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer [176-200] (#502)
Kabát & Bubák, Fungi Imperf. Exs. [ Turnau et Tabor, Bohemia ] [1-900] (#387)
Kalb & Aptroot, Lich. Neotrop. [Neumarkt] [628-650] (#440)
Kalb, Lich. Neotrop. [Neumarkt] [1-627] (#99)
Kashiwadani, Lich. Minus Cogn. Exs. [Tokyo] [1-375] (#290)
Kavina & Hilitzer, Crypt. Čechoslov. Exs. [1-300] (#505)
Keissler, Krypt. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [2601-3200] (#222)
Kerner von Marilaun, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [1-2800] (#503)
Kivenheimo & Räsänen, Suomen Jäkäliä [n/a] [1-100] (#435)
Koerber, Lich. Sel. Germ. [Breslau] [1-420] (#378)
Köfaragó-Gyelnik, Lichenoth. Parva [Budapest] [1-40] (#291)
Köfaragó-Gyelnik, Lichenoth. [Budapest] [21-200] (#464)
Kotschy, Iter Cilic. [1-?] (#482)
Kozioł, Fl. Siles. Exs. IX [Wrocław] [1451-1475] (#462)
Kozioł, Fl. Siles. Exs. LII-LIV [Wrocław] [1276-1350] (#292)
Krzewicka, Lich. Sel. Exs. [1-25] (#483)
Kurokawa & Kashiwadani, Lich. Rar. Crit. Exs. [Tokyo] [301-700] (#468)
Kurokawa, Lich. Rar. Crit. Exs. [Tokyo] [1 - 300] (#293)
Leighton, Lich. Brit. Exs. [London] [1-71] (#294)
Leighton, Lich. Brit. Exs. [Shrewsbury] [72-410] (#423)
Lendemer, Lich. East. N. Amer. Exs. [Bronx] [251-482] (#451)
Lendemer, Lich. East. N. Amer. Exs. [Philadelphia] [1-250] (#106)
Lichenes Bükkenses Exsiccati (#496)
Linder, Reliqu. Farlow. [Cambridge (Massachusetts) ] [601-1000] (#239)
Linkola & Wainio, Nyl. Norrl. Herb. Lich. Fenn. Cont. [Helsingforsiae] [451-807] (#392)
Lojka, Lichenoth. Reg. Hung. Exs. [Budapest] [1-200] (#295)
Lojka, Lichenoth. Univ. [Budapestini (Budapest)] [1 - 248 (?250)] (#105)
Lücking, Lich. Foliicoli Exs. [Ulm] [1-250] (#366)
Lumbsch & Feige: Lecanoroid Lich. [Essen] [1-100] (#82)
Macoun: Canad. Lich. [1-?515] (#297)
Magnusson, Lich. Sel. Scand. Exs. [Göteborg] [1-425] (#298)
Malbranche, Lich. Norm. [Rouen] [1-400] (#299)
Malme, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [Stockholm] [1-325] (#217)
Malme, Lich. Suec. Exs. [Stockholm] [1-1000] (#102)
Marcucci, Unio Itin. Crypt. [1-?] (#489)
Massalongo, Lich. Ital. Exs. [Veronae] [1-360] (#97)
Mattsson, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [476 - 550] (#218)
McMullin & Sharp, Lich. Canada Exs. [Ottawa] [1-25] (#403)
Mereschkovsky, Lich. Ross. Exs. [Kazan] [1-75] (#377)
Merrill, Lich. Exs. Ser. I [Rockland (Maine)] [1-275] (#89)
Merrill, Lich. Exs. Ser. II [?Rockland (Maine)] [1-150] (#350)
Migula, Krypt. Germ., Austr. Helv. Exs. [Flechten] [Karlsruhe] [1-350] (#301)
Moberg, Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal. [Uppsala] [1-500] (#302)
Morse & Ladd, Lich. Exs. Magnicamp. Fasc. 1 [Lawrence KS] [1-50] (#367)
Morse & Ladd, Lich. Exs. Magnicamp. Fasc. 2 [Lawrence KS] [51-100] (#499)
Morse & Ladd, Lich. Exs. Magnicamp. Fasc. 3 [Lawrence KS] [101-150] (#500)
Mougeot & Nestler, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1 - 1100] (#214)
Mougeot, Nestler & Schimper, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [Bruyerii Vogesorum] [1101-1400] (#241)
Müller, Flechten Eur. [Genf (Geneva)] [717-962] (#461)
Müller, Graphideae Cub. [Geneva (Geneva)] [1 - ?350] (#303)
Müller, Verr. Cub. [Geneva (Geneva)] [1-?234] (#304)
Musci Malaysiani Exsiccati [11-30] (#490)
Nádvorník, Calicieae Exs. [1-54] (#501)
Nádvorník, Physc. Exs. [Prague (Prague)] [1-33] (#305)
Nash, Lich. Exs. ASU [Tempe] [1-400] (#93)
Nash, Pl. Florida [1- over 2000] (#484)
Norrlin, Herb. Lich. Fenn. [Helsingforsiae] [1-450] (#306)
Nowak, Lich. Polon. Merid. Exs. [Cracoviae (Cracow)] [1- 250] (#307)
Nylander, Herb. Lich. Paris. [Parisiis] [1-150] (#308)
Nylander, Lich. Mont-Doriensis [1-111] (#408)
Nylander, Lich. Pyren. Orient. [1-78] (#409)
Obermayer, Dupla Graec. Lich. [Graz] [1-1190] (#39)
Obermayer, Lichenoth. Graec. [Graz] [1-500] (#309)
Odelvik & Tehler, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [551 - 600] (#219)
Olivier, Herb. Lich. Orne Calv. [1-100] (#411)
Olivier, Herb. Lich. Orne Calv. [Autheuil ] [101-450] (#311)
Passauer, Crypt. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [4701-5000] (#395)
Pazschke, Fungi Eur. Extraeur. Exs. [Leipzig] [3601-4500] (#49)
Petrak, Crypt. Exs. [3201 - 4700] (#343)
Petrak, Fl. Bohem. Morav. Exs. Flechten [1 - 150] (#407)
Petrak, Fl. Bohem. Morav. Exs. Pilze [n/a] [1 - 2575] (#375)
Pišút, Lich. Slovak. Exs. [1 - 300] (#398)
Pišút, Lich. Slovak. Exs. [Bratislava] [1-300] (#380)
Plitt, Lich. Exs. Herb. Hasse Rel. [Baltimore (Maryland)] [1-250] (#92)
Poelt & Scheuer, Reliqu. Petrak. [801-2859] (#416)
Poelt & Steiner, Lich. Alp. [München (Munich)] [161-260] (#312)
Poelt, Lich. Alp. [München (Munich)] [1-160] (#313)
Poelt, Pl. Graec. Fungi [1-790] (#414)
Poelt, Pl. Graec. Lich. [Graz] [1-560] (#314)
Poelt, Reliqu. Petrak. [1-800] (#415)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. (lichenes) [Charlotte (Vermont)] [?1-15702] (#355)
Purpus, Pl. Mexic. [1 - ?] (#195)
Rabenhorst, Clad. Eur. [Dresden] [1-260] (#374)
Rabenhorst, Crypt.-Samml. Schule [1-500] (#494)
Rabenhorst, Fungi Eur. Exs. [Dresden] [1-2600] (#315)
Rabenhorst, Lich. Eur. Exs. [Dresden] [1-974] (#316)
Räsänen, Lich. Fenn. Exs. [Helsinki] [1-1000] (#94)
Räsänen, Lichenoth. Fenn. [Kuopio] [1-750] (#104)
Rehm & Arnold, Clad. Exs. [Windsheim & Regensburg] [151-440] (#32)
Rehm, Ascomyc. Exs. [2126-2175] (#459)
Rehm, Ascomyc. [Neufriedenheim] [1301-2125] (#458)
Rehm, Ascomyc. [Regensburg] [1-1300] (#317)
Rehm, Clad. Exs. [Sugenheim] [1-150] (#224)
Reichenbach & Schubert, Lich. Exs. [Dresden] [1-25] (#319)
Reichenbach & Schubert, Lich. Exs. [n/a] [26-150] (#467)
Roumeguère, Genera Lich. Eur. Exs. [1-100] (#506)
Roumeguère, Lich. Gall. Exs. [Toulouse] [1-600] (#320)
Saccardo, Mycoth. Ital. [Padova (Padua)] [1-1750[+19]] (#174)
Sampaio, Lich. Port. [n/a] [1-300] (#321)
Sandstede, Clad. Exs. [Zwischenahn] [1-1886] (#322)
Santesson, Fungi Lichenicoli Exs. [Uppsala] [1-400] (#51)
Santesson, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [Stockholm] [326-475] (#87)
Savicz, Lichenoth. Ross. [Leningrad (St. Petersburg)] [1-180] (#324)
Schade, Stolle & Riehmer, Lich. Saxon. Exs. [Leipzig] [1-550] (#400)
Schaerer, Lich. Helv. Exs. Ed. I [Bernae (Berne)] [1-650] (#325)
Schaerer, Lich. Helv. Exs. Ed. II [?] [251-962] (#509)
Schaerer, Lich. Helv. Exs. Ed. II [Bernae (Berne)] [1-250] (#326)
Scheuer & Poelt, Mycoth. Graec. [1-140] (#418)
Scheuer, Reliqu. Petrak. [2860-2930] (#417)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Pr. [Esslingen] [1-more than 400] (#240)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Sec. [Esslingen] [? (more than 1400)] (#210)
Seymour, Pringle's Mex. Fungi [Cambridge (Massachusetts)] [1-10] (#346)
Shear, Fungi Columb. [1401-1500] (#481)
Sipman, Lichenoth. Latinoamer. [Berlin] [1-150] (#327)
Small, Lich. East. N. Amer. [n/a] [1-38] (#357)
Šmarda, Crypt. Cechoslov. Exs. [1-350] (#504)
Sommerfelt, Pl. Crypt. Norveg. [Christianiae] [1-200] (#328)
South Pacific Plants, Series One (#497)
St. Clair & Leavitt, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [Provo (Utah), no. 6] [151-175] (#477)
St. Clair & Leavitt, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [Provo (Utah), no. 6] [151-175] (#478)
St. Clair, Knight, Ririe & Kitchen, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [Provo (Utah), no. 4] [76-100] (#454)
St. Clair, Knight, Ririe & Newberry, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [Provo (Utah), no. 3] [51-75] (#453)
St. Clair, Leavitt, Shrestha, Newberry & Leavitt, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [126-150] (#475)
St. Clair, Ririe & Knight, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [Provo (Utah), no. 5] [101-125 (and more?, in progress)] (#455)
St. Clair, Ririe & Newberry, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [Provo (Utah), no. 2] [26-50] (#452)
Steiner & Poelt, Lichenoth. Afgh. [Graz] [1-78] (#329)
Stenhammar, Lich. Exs. Suec. [Lincopiae; fascicles V & VI] [121-180] (#444)
Stenhammar, Lich. Exs. Suec. [Norcopiae; fascicle XIV] [391-420] (#449)
Stenhammar, Lich. Exs. Suec. [Norcopiae; fascicles X and XI] [271-330] (#446)
Stenhammar, Lich. Suec. Exs. [n/a] [1-240] (#330)
Stevens: Lich. Austral. [Brisbane] [1-26] (#331)
Stordeur, Lich. Sel. Exs. [Halle (Saale)] [1-20] (#512)
Suza, Lich. Bohemoslov. Exs. [Brno] [1-210] (#332)
Suza, Lich. Bohemoslov. Exs. [Praha] [211-300] (#422)
Svrček, Fungi Sel. Exs. [Praha (Prague)] [1-100] (#333)
Sydow & Sydow, Mycoth. Germ. [Berlin] [1-550] (#372)
Sydow, Fungi Exot. Exs. [Berlin] [1-1250] (#50)
Sydow, Mycoth. Germ. [Berlin] [551-3600] (#456)
Tavares, Lich. Lusit. Sel. Exs. [Lisboa (Lisbon)] [1-250] (#334)
Thaxter, Reliqu. Farlow. [Cambridge (Massachusetts)] [1-600] (#208)
Thomson, Lich. Arct. [Madison (Wisconsin)] [1 - 115] (#84)
Thomson, Lich. Wiscon. Exs. [Madison (Wisconsin)] [1 - 96 [? 108 Uppsala]] (#335)
Thøgersen, Lich. Norveg. Medit. Exs. [Oslo] [1-50] (#364)
Tibell, Calic. Exs. [Uppsala] [1-250] (#336)
Tobolewski & Glanc, Lichenoth. Polon. [201-225] (#471)
Tobolewski, Lichenoth. Polon. [226-250] (#473)
Tobolewski, Lichenoth. Polon. [cont.] [250-...] (#510)
Tobolewski, Lichenoth. Polon. [Poznan] [1-200] (#363)
Trevisan, Lichenoth. Ven. [Bassano] [1-366] (#397)
Triebel, Microf. Exs. [1 - 700] (#394)
Tuckerman, Caroli Wright Lich. Ins. Cubae Ser. II [47 - 742] (#338)
Tuckerman, Caroli Wright Lich. Ins. Cubae [Boston] [1-246] (#337)
Tuckerman, Lich. Amer. Sept. Exs. [Boston] [51-150] (#419)
Tuckerman, Lich. Amer. Sept. Exs. [Cantabrigiae] [1 - 50] (#351)
Tønsberg, Lich. Isid. Sored. Crust. Exs. [Bergen] [1-50] (#96)
Verseghy, Lich. Exs. [1-145] (#495)
Verseghy, Lichenoth. Parva [Budapest] [41-130] (#450)
Vězda, Lich. Bohemoslov. Exs. [Brno] [1-300] (#339)
Vězda, Lich. Rar. Exs. [Brno] [1-500] (#340)
Vězda, Lich. Sel. Exs. [1-200] (#474)
Vězda, Lich. Sel. Exs. [Průhonice] [201-2500] (#101)
Vondrák, Sel. Exs. Caloplaca [Graz] [1-75] (#211)
Wainio, Lich. Brasil. Exs. [1-1593] (#341)
Wartmann & Schenk, Schweiz. Krypt. [1-700] (#485)
Wartmann & Winter, Schweiz. Krypt. [701-900] (#486)
Weber, Lich. Exs. [Boulder (Colorado)] [1-?700] (#91)
Wei, Lich. Sin. Exs. [Beijing] [1-?50] (#379)
Welwitsch, Cryptoth. Lusit. [1 - ?125] (#393)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [1-250] (#491)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [251-350] (#492)
Wetmore, Lich. Exs. Min. [St. Paul (Minnesota)] [1-225] (#342)
Wetmore, Teloschist. Exs. [St. Paul (Minnesota)] [1-118] (#215)
Wong & Brodo, Lich. Canad. Exs. [Ottawa] [251-295] (#425)
Yoshimura, Lich. Japon. Exs. 1 [Obi, Nichinan] [1-25] (#361)
Yoshimura, Lich. Japon. Exs. 2 [Obi, Nichinan] [26-50] (#362)
Zahlbruckner & Redinger, Lich. Rar. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [289-385] (#352)
Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [401-2600] (#221)
Zahlbruckner, Lich. Rar. Exs. [Wien (Vienna)] [1-288] (#100)
Zwackh-Holzhausen, Lich. Exs. [Heidelberg] [1-1177 [1211]] (#90)
Add Exsiccata Number
Exsiccata Number:
#100 -
Xanthoparmelia tuberculiformis
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1959-10-03
#186 -
Melanohalea subolivacea
, Thomas H. Nash III (41931-B) 1998-06-07
#274 -
Xanthoria mandschurica
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1954-07-08
#276 -
Agonimia pacifica
, Y. Ohmura (4785) 2001-12-15
#376 -
Agonimia pacifica
, Y. Ohmura (4785) 2001-12-15
#377 -
, Y. Ohmura (6875) 2010-01-29
#378 -
Cladia aggregata
, H. Murol, s.n. (378) 1956-08-01
#379 -
Cladonia coniocraea
, H. Kashiwadani (45917) 1986-08-21
#380 -
, M. Togashi, s.n. (s.n.) 1957-05-07
#381 -
Icmadophila japonica
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1970-06-29
#382 -
Lecanora chionocarpa
, Y. Ohmura (5976) 2008-05-24
#383 -
Lecanora sibirica
, Y. Ohmura (6304) 2009-02-08
#384 -
, Y. Ohmura (4783) 2001-12-15
#385 -
Parmotrema dilatatum
, Y. Ohmura (6557) 2009-06-26
#386 -
, Y. Ohmura (6879) 2008-09-16
#387 -
Phaeophyscia spinellosa
, Y. Ohmura, G. Tanaka & S. Ichikawa (6878) 2010-02-19
#388 -
, Y. Ohmura (6879) 2010-01-29
#389 -
Ramalina yasudae
, H. Kashiwadani (47392) 2005-04-11
#390 -
Sticta nylanderiana
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1957-08-06
#391 -
, Y. Ohmura (6065) 2008-09-02
#392 -
Usnea aciculifera
, S. Kurokawa (54730) 1954-07-30
#393 -
, M. Togashi, s.n. (s.n.) 1953-07-14
#394 -
, M. Togashi, s.n. (s.n.) 1952-07-15
#395 -
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1958-08-11
#396 -
Usnea nidifica
, Y. Ohmura (6558) 2009-06-26
#397 -
Usnea pangiana
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1967-07-09
#398 -
, M. Togashi, s.n. (s.n.) 1952-06-12
#399 -
Usnea rubrotincta
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1968-05-03
#400 -
Usnea trichodeoides
, H. Shibuichi (7965) 1985-07-31
#401 -
Bunodophoron diplotypum
, H. Kashiwadani (46179) 2003-10-19
#402 -
Cladonia arbuscula
, H. Shibuichi & M. Kiyota (6398) 1981-07-08
#403 -
Cladonia furcata
, Y. Ohmura (6909) 2010-04-27
#404 -
Cladonia ochrochlora
, Y. Ohmura (7240) 2010-09-04
#405 -
Cladonia uncialis
, S. Kurokawa (8909) 1975-08-17
#406 -
Dermatocarpon miniatum
, H. Kashiwadani (47832) 1996-10-01
#407 -
Flavoparmelia caperata
, Y. Ohumura (7865) 2011-03-01
#408 -
Fuscidea verruciformis
, Y. Ohmura & A. Okamura (7147) 2010-05-31
#409 -
Fuscopannaria protensa
, Y. Ohmura (4784) 2001-12-15
#410 -
Lobaria spathulata
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1957-08-20
#411 -
Loxospora ochrophaea
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1954-10-00
#412 -
Melanohalea olivacea
, Y. Ohmura (7132) 2010-05-31
#413 -
Nephroma resupinatum
, M. Togashi & S. Kurokawa (s.n.) 1959-07-26
#414 -
Ochrolechia akagiensis
, Y. Ohmura (7768) 2010-12-13
#415 -
Parmelinopsis minarum
, Y. Ohmura (7739) 2010-10-19
#416 -
Peltigera degenii
, Y. Ohmura et al. (7235) 2010-08-24
#417 -
Phaeographis planiuscula
, Y. Ohmura (6460) 2009-06-19
#418 -
Phaeophyscia limbata
, H. Shibuichi (10148) 2002-10-25
#419 -
Pseudocyphellaria argyracea
, Y. Ohmura (6418) 2009-06-18
#420 -
Ramalina peruviana
, Y. Asahina & M. Togashi (s.n.) 1959-11-26
#421 -
Ramalina sinensis
, K. H. Moon (4981) 1999-10-08
#422 -
Stereocaulon octomerum
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1968-09-23
#423 -
Thelotrema similans
, Y. Ohmura (7769) 2010-12-13
#424 -
Usnea aciculifera
, Y. Ohmura (6158) 2008-08-27
#425 -
Usnea bismolliuscula
, Y. Ohmura (7244) 2010-09-05
#426 -
Calopadia puiggarii
, Y. Ohmura (7961) 2011-03-09
#427 -
Calopadia puiggarii
, H. Kashiwadani (38768) 1995-02-08
#428 -
Cladonia fenestralis
, Y. Ohmura (7597) 2010-10-03
#429 -
Cladonia furcata
, Y. Ohmura (8447) 2011-11-10
#430 -
Cladonia gracilis subsp. turbinata
, Y. Ohmura (8240) 2011-06-15
#431 -
Cladonia pseudodidyma
, Y. Ohmura (7241) 2010-09-04
#432 -
Coenogonium subluteum
, Y. Ohmura (8023) 2011-03-10
#433 -
Enterographa hutchinsiae
, H. Kashiwadani (41465) 1994-12-13
#434 -
Fellhanera bouteillei
, Y. Ohmura & G. Tanaka (8083) 2011-03-11
#435 -
Herpothallon japonicum
, Y. Ohmura & A. Frisch (8443) 2012-03-03
#436 -
Leptogium burnetiae
, H. Kashiwadani (47422) 2004-10-11
#437 -
Mazosia melanophthalma
, H. Kashiwadani (38761) 1995-02-09
#438 -
Ocellularia microstoma
, H. Shibuichi (5174) 1976-08-25
#439 -
Ocellularia microstoma
, Y. Ohmura & A. Frisch (8445) 2012-02-08
#440 -
, H. Kashiwadani (45015) 2002-10-21
#441 -
Physcidia cylindrophora
, Y. Ohmura (7091) 2009-10-04
#442 -
Roccellina nipponica
, Y. Ohmura & A. Frisch (8442) 2012-02-09
#443 -
Stereocaulon verruculigerum
, Y. Ohmura (8446) 2011-11-10
#444 -
Tuckermanopsis gilva
, Y. Ohmura (8256) 2011-07-19
#445 -
Lasallia caroliniana
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1932-07-19
#446 -
, Y. Asahina, s.n. (s.n.) 1958-06-29
#447 -
Usnea angulata
, M. Nuno et al. (s.n.) 1978-01-08
#448 -
Usnea hakonensis
, Y. Ohmura (7110) 2009-10-04
#449 -
Usnea hakonensis
, M. Togashi (21631) 1958-11-18
#450 -
Usnea rubrotincta
, Y. Ohmura & A. Frisch (8444) 2012-03-03
#451 -
Baeomyces sanguineus
, K.H. Moon (7383) 2004-02-23
#452 -
Calopadia subcoerulescens
, Y. Ohmura (9551) 2013-03-11
#453 -
Cladonia ramulosa
, H. Kashiwadani (35521) 1988-12-03
#454 -
Coccotrema cucurbitula
, H. Kashiwadani (47656) 2005-09-27
#455 -
Coenogonium geralense
, G. Thor (27784) 2012-06-30
#455. -
Coenogonium geralense
, G. Thor (27784) 2012-06-30
#456 -
Cresponea macrocarpoides
, Y. Ohmura (8450) 2012-02-08
#457 -
Cyphelium tigillare
, Y. Ohmura (9601) 2012-08-10
#458 -
, A. Frisch (Frisch-12/Jp445) 2012-03-03
#459 -
, Y. Ohmura (Ohmura-9602) 2013-03-22
#460 -
Nephromopsis cucullata
, Y. Ohmura (9600) 2012-08-08
#461 -
Lepraria cupressicola
, Y. Ohmura (7242) 2010-09-04
#462 -
Leptogium lichenoides
, Y. Ohmura (9204) 2012-07-11
#463 -
Masonhalea richardsonii
, Y. Ohmura et al. (9599) 2012-08-08
#464 -
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1959-06-08
#465 -
Nephroma resupinatum
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1955-10-07
#466 -
Parmelia praesquarrosa
, G. Tanaka (237-a) 2011-03-31
#467 -
Peltigera degenii
, Y. Ohmura (8658) 2011-10-01
#468 -
Phaeocalicium compressulum
, Y. Ohmura (8941) 2012-06-28
#469 -
Phaeophyscia hirtuosa
, Y. Ohmura (8900) 2012-05-29
#470 -
Phaeophyscia hispidula
, Y. Ohmura (8678) 2011-10-03
#471 -
Phaeophyscia primaria
#472 -
Schismatomma ocellatum
, A. Frisch (12-176) 2012-05-29
#473 -
Strigula smaragdula
, Y. Ohmura (7627) 2010-10-07
#474 -
, H. Kashiwadani (Kashiwadani-45705) 2003-03-09
#475 -
Xylographa parallela
, Y. Ohmura et al. (9043) 2012-07-05
#476 -
Baeomyces placophyllus
, H. Kashiwadani (43946) 1991-03-01
#477 -
Bryoria furcellata
, Y. Ohmura (9685) 2013-05-28
#478 -
, Y. Ohmura (Ohmura-9697) 2013-05-26
#479 -
Cetrelia braunsiana
, H. Kashiwadani (42425) 1999-09-22
#480 -
Cladonia gracilis subsp. valdiviensis
, H. Kashiwadani (17835) 1981-11-14
#481 -
Cladonia macilenta
, M. Nonaka (s.n.) 1953-06-28
#482 -
Cladonia vulcani
, H. Kashiwadani (s.n.) 2013-11-26
#483 -
Lasallia sinorientalis
, F. Fujikawa (s.n.) 1934-08-20
#484 -
Lecanora pulverulenta
, G. Thor & A. Frisch (27776) 2012-06-30
#485 -
Scytinium lichenoides
, H. Kashiwadani (34682) 1987-05-30
#486 -
Lobaria spathulata
, N. Hattori (11) 2003-06-26
#487 -
Peltigera aphthosa
, Y. Asahina & M. Togashi (s.n.) 1959-06-08
#488 -
Peltigera didactyla
, Y. Ohmura (9676) 2013-05-27
#489 -
Peltigera dolichorrhiza
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1954-10-02
#490 -
Peltigera horizontalis
, Y. Ohmura (9674) 2013-05-27
#491 -
Peltigera praetextata
, Y. Ohmura (9675) 2013-05-27
#492 -
Phaeophyscia hispidula
, H. Kashiwadani (44014) 1991-03-03
#493 -
Physciella denigrata
, K. Yoshida et al. (9907) 2013-12-03
#494 -
Racodium rupestre
, Y. Ohmura (9651) 2013-05-26
#495 -
, G. Thor (Thor-27973) 2012-07-04
#496 -
Umbilicaria esculenta
, Y. Ohmura & T. Dohi (9110) 2012-07-07
#497 -
Usnea diffracta
, T. Yanagisawa (1718) 1952-05-06
#498 -
Usnea subfloridana
, Y. Ohmura (9678) 2013-05-28
#499 -
Usnea wasmuthii
, Y. Ohmura et al. (9677) 2013-05-28
#500 -
Xanthomaculina convoluta
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1974-10-21
#501 -
Anzia opuntiella
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1961-08-14
#502 -
Alectoria lata
, K. Togashi (s.n.) 1953-09-26
#503 -
Bryocaulon pseudosatoanum
, K. Togashi (s.n.) 1953-09-26
#504 -
Bryoria trichodes
, K. Togashi (s.n.) 1953-09-26
#505 -
Cladonia krempelhuberi
, Y. Ohmura (10298) 2013-11-11
#506 -
Cladonia pseudoevansii
, M. Inoue (30603) 2001-09-01
#507 -
Cladonia squamosa
, H. Kashiwadani (47726) 2005-09-29
#508 -
Fuscidea submollis
, M. Inoue (10425) 1975-08-27
#509 -
Heterodermia isidiophora
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1953-08-30
#510 -
Leprocaulon arbuscula
, Y. Ohmura (10208) 2013-11-08
#511 -
Leptogium moluccanum var. myriophyllinum
, Y. Ikoma (s.n.) 1951-06-08
#512 -
Lobaria retigera
, Y. Asahina & M. Togashi (s.n.) 1955-08-09
#513 -
Parmotrema clavuliferum
, Y. Ohmura (10528) 2015-02-20
#514 -
Parmotrema reticulatum
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1959-12-01
#515 -
Pertusaria nakamurae
, H. Shibuichi (5422) 1977-07-25
#516 -
Porpidia flavicunda
, M. Inoue (10464) 1975-08-13
#517 -
Punctelia rudecta
, M. Inoue (26148) 1996-03-00
#518 -
Pyxine endochrysina
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1955-12-11
#519 -
Pyxine endochrysina
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1954-04-06
#520 -
Schismatomma ocellatum
, Y. Ohmura (10512) 2015-01-15
#521 -
Teloschistes flavicans
, H. Kashiwadani (21650) 1984-09-13
#522 -
Tuckneraria pseudocomplicata
, K. H. Moon (6301) 2002-11-29
#523 -
Umbilicaria leiocarpa
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1967-08-04
#524 -
Xanthoparmelia coreana
, K. H. Moon (7282) 2004-02-21
#525 -
Xanthoria mandschurica
, H. Kashiwadani (37970) 1994-08-08
#526 -
Bacidia hakonensis
, H. Kashiwadani (46975) 2004-03-11
#527 -
Candelariella placodizans
, Y. Ohmura (7598) 2010-10-03
#528 -
Canoparmelia aptata
, Y. Ohmura (11088) 2016-03-21
#529 -
Cetraria islandica
, H. Kashiwadani (23147) 1985-07-24
#530 -
Chaenotheca hygophila
, A. Frisch (13-Jp8) 2013-03-08
#531 -
Cladonia cariosa
, Y. Ohmura (10747) 2015-08-08
#532 -
Cladonia kurokawae
, Y. Ohmura (11072) 2016-01-02
#533 -
Cladonia vulcani
, M. Inoue (16615) 1976-00-00
#534 -
Flavocetraria nivalis
#535 -
Flavoparmelia caperata
, Y. Ohmura (11087) 2016-03-21
#536 -
Heterodermia isidiophora
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1965-10-23
#537 -
Inoderma nipponicum
, A. Frisch (13/Jp1) 2013-03-07
#538 -
Lasallia pensylvanica
, S. Kurokawa (65435) 1965-08-22
#539 -
Leiorreuma exaltatum
, Y. Ohmura (11069) 2014-11-13
#540 -
Lepraria arbuscula
, Y. Ohmura (11054) 2014-11-13
#541 -
Lepraria finkii
, H. Kashiwadani (41472) 1994-11-16
#542 -
Melanelixia huei
, H. Kashiwadani (6829) 1969-07-29
#543 -
Phaeographis laevigata
, H. Kashiwadani (47655) 2005-09-27
#544 -
Phaeophyscia pyrrhophora
, H. Kashiwadani (13826) 1976-04-28
#545 -
Physciella denigrata
, H. Kashiwadani (42754) 2000-10-04
#546 -
Ramalina roesleri
, H. Kashiwadani (45771) 2003-07-24
#547 -
Teloschistes flavicans
, H. Kashiwadani (22040) 1984-09-17
#548 -
Umbilicaria aprina
, M. Inoue (18024) 1986-12-17
#549 -
Usnea aciculifera
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1956-05-06
#550 -
Usnea pangiana
, Y. Ohmura (11045) 2014-11-12
#551 -
Baeomyces aggregatus
, M. Inoue (26131) 1999-05-20
#552 -
Cetraria islandica subsp. orientalis
, H. Shibuichi | M. Mineta | K. Yoshida (8340) 1987-07-31
#553 -
Cladonia scabriuscula
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1955-10-31
#554 -
Cladonia squamosa
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1955-05-26
#555 -
Coenogonium pineti
, Y. Ohmura (11146) 2016-12-12
#556 -
Flavoparmelia caperata
, M. Inoue (26150) 1996-03-00
#557 -
Heterodermia isidiophora
, M. Togashi | Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1959-12-01
#558 -
Lasallia caroliniana
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1967-08-04
#559 -
Lepraria arbuscula
, H. Kashiwadani (39030) 1995-07-11
#560 -
Lobaria discolor
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1961-08-13
#561 -
Lobaria japonica
, M. Togashi | Y. Asahina | S. Kurokawa | M. Nuno (s.n.) 1957-08-06
#562 -
Melanelixia huei
, S. Kurokawa (s.n.) 1955-08-05
#563 -
Myelochroa irrugans
, H. Koyama | M. Hotta (2554) 1967-06-22
#564 -
Pertusaria subobductans
, H. Shibuichi (5574) 1977-08-29
#565 -
Physciella melanchra
, M. Chaki (7) 2016-12-04
#566 -
Porpidia macrocarpa
, Y. Ohmura | A. Frisch | G. Thor (9030) 2012-07-04
#567 -
Rhizocarpon lavatum
, M. Inoue (25774) 1997-09-15
#568 -
Rhizocarpon vulcani
, M. Inoue (25495) 1996-03-27
#569 -
Sphaerophorus meiophorus
, M. Togashi | S. Kurokawa (s.n.) 1959-07-26
#570 -
Stereocaulon commixtum
, S. Kurokawa (60200) 1960-12-15
#571 -
Stereocaulon japonicum
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1954-08-21
#572 -
Stereocaulon nigrum
, Y. Asahina (1241b) 1936-07-26
#573 -
Stereocaulon sorediiferum
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1956-05-22
#574 -
Usnea aciculifera
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1952-08-16
#575 -
Usnea rubrotincta
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1952-06-12
#576 -
Ainoa mooreana
, M. Inoue (31869) 2006-09-03
#577 -
Baeomyces placophyllus
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1965-09-13
#578 -
Cladonia amaurocraea
, Y. Ohmura (11678) 2014-09-12
#579 -
Cladonia maxima
, Y. Ohmura (11677) 2014-09-12
#580 -
Coenogonium subluteum
, H. Kashiwadani (46430) 2004-02-20
#581 -
Evernia esorediosa
, M. Inoue (12667) 1979-05-20
#582 -
Himantormia lugubris
, M. Inoue (21742) 1988-12-17
#583 -
Nephromopsis ornata
, M. Inoue (8258) 1974-07-28
#584 -
Parmelia shinanoana
, Y. Ohmura (11577) 2016-10-26
#585 -
Peltigera dilacerata
, M. Inoue (22908) 1983-07-01
#586 -
Peltigera dilacerata
, M. Inoue (22909) 1983-07-01
#587 -
Peltigera praetextata
, Y. Ohmura (11566) 2016-10-26
#588 -
Peltigera pruinosa
, Y. Ohmura (11567) 2016-10-26
#589 -
Porpidia albocaerulescens
, N. Jinno (s.n.) 1976-05-02
#590 -
Porpidia albocaerulescens
, N. Jinno (11991) 1976-04-18
#591 -
Porpidia albocaerulescens
, M. Inoue (12076) 1978-04-23
#592 -
Porpidia albocaerulescens
, S. Takaki (10936) 1975-10-25
#593 -
Ramalina terebrata
, M. Inoue (21075) 1988-12-19
#594 -
Ramalina terebrata
, M. Inoue (21688) 1989-01-04
#595 -
Sphaerophorus globosus
, M. Inoue (12908) 1979-08-22
#596 -
Stereocaulon apocalypticum
, M. Inoue (16957) 1983-08-20
#597 -
Usnea antarctica
, M. INOUE (20372A) 1988-11-29
#598 -
Usnea antarctica
, M. Inoue (20510) 1989-01-29
#599 -
Usnea antarctica
, M. Inoue (21365) 1988-12-26
#600 -
Usnea antarctica
, M. Inoue (21492) 1988-12-20
#601 -
Botryolepraria lesdainii
, M. Sugimoto (626) 2019-01-23
#602 -
Brigantiaea ferruginea
, Y. Ohmura (10789) 2013-09-20
#603 -
Caloplaca cinnabarina
, M. Sugimoto (627) 2018-10-17
#604 -
Chrysothrix candelaris
, Y. Ohmura (12096) 2013-09-24
#605 -
Cladonia ramulosa
, Y. Ohmura (12083) 2019-03-15
#606 -
Collema subflaccidum
, Y. Ohmura (11183) 2016-06-20
#607 -
Cresponea proximata
, Y. Ohmura (12095) 2013-09-23
#608 -
Dibaeis sorediata
, M. Sugimoto (522) 2018-09-22
#609 -
Evernia esorediosa
, Y. Ohmura (11782) 2018-10-03
#610 -
Heterodermia japonica
, Y. Ohmura (12074) 2019-03-14
#611 -
Heterodermia microphylla
, Y. Ohmura (12082) 2019-03-15
#612 -
Lepraria finkii
, M. Sugimoto (564) 2019-03-15
#613 -
Lobaria discolor
, Y. Ohmura (12060) 2019-03-13
#614 -
Lobaria sachalinensis
, Y. Ohmura (11182) 2016-06-20
#615 -
Myelochroa entotheiochroa
, Y. Ohmura (12059) 2019-03-13
#616 -
Nephroma resupinatum
, Y. Ohmura (12223) 2017-09-16
#617 -
Nephroma squamigerum
, Y. Ohmura (12224) 2017-09-16
#618 -
Peltigera canina
, Y. Ohmura (11195) 2016-06-21
#619 -
Phaeophyscia limbata
, M. Sugimoto (214) 2018-11-11
#620 -
Physciella chloantha
, M. Sugimoto (578) 2018-10-18
#621 -
Porina hirsuta
, M. Sugimoto (579) 2019-01-23
#622 -
Scoliciosporum chlorococcum
, Y. Ohmura (11390) 2018-02-27
#623 -
Stereocaulon sorediiferum
, Y. Ohmura (12079) 2019-03-14
#624 -
Thyrea confusa
, Y. Ohmura (11715) 2018-11-02
#625 -
Thysanothecium scutellatum
, M. Sugimoto (581) 2019-03-19
#626 -
Acarospora smaragdula
, M. Inoue (25571) 1996-03-23
#627 -
Amandinea punctata
, Y. Ohmura (10928B) 2013-09-24
#628 -
Chrysothrix candelaris
, H. Kashiwadani (51796) 2017-04-02
#629 -
Cladia aggregata
, M. Sugimoto (591) 2019-03-19
#630 -
Cladonia gracilis subsp. turbinata
, M. Sugimoto (612) 2019-07-20
#631 -
Flavoparmelia caperata
, K. Miyazawa (356) 2019-09-17
#632 -
Flavopunctelia soredica
, H. Kashiwadani (51797A) 2017-04-02
#633 -
Lecanora leprosa
, Y. Ohmura (12453) 2019-03-09
#634 -
Leptogium moluccanum var. myriophyllinum
, K. Miyazawa (343) 2019-03-04
#635 -
Myelochroa entotheiochroa
, M. Sugimoto (586) 2019-03-19
#636 -
Parmotrema austrosinense
, M. Sugimoto (629) 2019-02-10
#637 -
Parmotrema praesorediosum
, Y. Asahina (s.n.) 1959-11-28
#638 -
Peltigera canina
, Y. Ohmura (11196) 2016-06-21
#639 -
Peltigera praetextata
, H. Kashiwadani (34686) 1987-05-30
#640 -
Peltigera rufescens
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1983-08-22
#641 -
Pertusaria flavicans
, M. Sugimoto (588) 2019-03-19
#642 -
Phaeophyscia limbata
, Y. Ohmura (12440) 2018-10-21
#643 -
Porpidia crustulata
, M. Inoue (16792) 1983-08-24
#644 -
Pyxine endochrysina
, Y. Ohmura (11959) 2015-07-09
#645 -
Pyxine limbulata
, M. Sugimoto (585) 2019-03-19
#646 -
Ropalospora phaeoplaca
, Y. Ohmura (11112) 2016-06-10
#647 -
Umbilicaria caroliniana
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1976-09-26
#648 -
Umbilicaria pensylvanica
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1976-09-26
#649 -
Xanthomendoza fallax
, H. Kashiwadani (51799) 2017-04-02
#650 -
Xylopsora friesii
, Y. Ohmura (12136) 2017-09-14
#651 -
Baeomyces placophyllus
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-12
#652 -
Bryoria capillaris
, Y. Ohmura (13447) 2016-07-11
#653 -
Calicium hyperelloides
, S. Kurokawa (79082) 1979-07-30
#654 -
Cladonia coniocraea
, Y. Ohmura (13015A) 2019-10-15
#655 -
Cladonia gracilis subsp. turbinata
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-11
#656 -
Cladonia kanewskii
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-11
#657 -
Cladonia kanewskii
, H. Izumi (s.n.) 1977-07-19
#658 -
Cladonia krempelhuberi
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1977-02-27
#659 -
Cladonia kurokawae
, Y. Ohmura (12970) 2015-10-14
#660 -
Cladonia ochrochlora
, Y. Ohmura (13015B) 2019-10-15
#661 -
Cladonia rangiferina subsp. grisea
, H. Izumi (s.n.) 1977-07-19
#662 -
Cladonia straminea
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1970-08-06
#663 -
Cladonia turgida
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1977-10-16
#664 -
Dibaeis arcuata
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-12
#665 -
Icmadophila ericetorum
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-13
#666 -
Nephroma helveticum f. caespitosum
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-13
#667 -
Peltigera horizontalis
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1964-08-12
#668 -
Ramalina kurokawae
, K. Umezu (17) 2019-05-26
#669 -
Ramalina peruviana
, K. Umezu (14) 2019-05-26
#670 -
Ramalina semicuspidata
, H. Kashiwadani (47727) 2005-09-30
#671 -
Ramalina yasudae
, K. Umezu (8) 2019-05-12
#672 -
Sphaerophorus meiophorus
, M. Togashi (s.n.) 1961-07-21
#673 -
Stereocaulon vesuvianum
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1969-11-02
#674 -
Umbilicaria esculenta
, M. Nuno (s.n.) 1976-09-26
#675 -
Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis
, Y. Ohmura (13208) 2016-07-02
#698 -
Stereocaulon saviczii
, Togashi, M. (s.n.) 1971-07-11
#699 -
Trypethelium virens
, Kurokawa, S. (57266) 1957-11-05
#700 -
Usnea rubrotincta
, Asahina, Y. (F286a) 1925-12-25