
West American Plants, distributed by C. F. Baker
(IndExs #1530869503)
Abbreviation: Baker, W. Amer. Pl. [Santa Clara (California)]
Editor(s): Charles F. Baker
Range: 1-4865
Notes: fungi/lichens, algae/cyanobacteria, bryophytes, spermatophytes, pteridophytes; the bryophytes of this series are noted by Sayre (1971) p. 179 as "Pacific Slope Bryophytes"; information here is given from the schedae (3 parts) in JE; all parts have fungi (incl. lichens), bryophytes, ferns and spermatophytes, some algae too; within the schedae (not on title) are the following series: West Coast Series I - IV, Nevada Series I - II and Plants of Pacific Central America Series I - II (Nicaragua). Incl. Nigaragua Lichens (10) with 3 new Graphina and 1 new Graphis descr. by Zahlbruckner