Lojka, Lichenoth. Reg. Hung. Exs. [Budapest]
Hugo Lojka [1-200]
IndExs #3228009

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-L-0151577
H. Lojka #s.n.
Micarea ternaria (Nyl.) Vězda
Romania, in regione dicta "Gura zlátyi" infra alpem Retyezát, comit. Hunyad in Transsylvania

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Lichens
Catalog #: PH00173569
H. Lojka #s.n.
Bacidia trisepta (Nägeli) Zahlbr.
Romania, in regione dicta "Gura zlátyi" infra alpem Retyezát, comit. Hunyad in Transsylvania [in the region called "Gura zlátyi" below the Retezát alp, count Hunyad in Transylvania]

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Lichens
Catalog #: PH00173572
H. Lojka #s.n.
Bacidia trisepta (Nägeli) Zahlbr.
Romania, in regione dicta "Gura zlátyi" infra alpem Retyezát, comit. Hunyad in Transsylvania [in the region called "Gura zlátyi" below the Retezát alp, count Hunyad in Transylvania]