
Plantae Mexicanae, C. G. Pringle (lichenes) #10866
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. (lichenes) [Charlotte (Vermont)]
Cyrus G. Pringle [?1-15702]

University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Lichen Collection
Catalog #: COLO-L-0033091
C.G. Pringle #S 19239 06 October 1909
Phaeographis dendritica (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
Mexico, Hidalgo, Honey Station

University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Lichen Collection
Catalog #: COLO-L-0033087
C.G. Pringle #S 19286 06 October 1909
Leiorreuma sericeum (Eschw.) Staiger
Mexico, Hidalgo, Honey Station

University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History Herbarium Lichen Collection
Catalog #: COLO-L-0033079
C.G. Pringle #S 19288 06 October 1909
Phaeographis dendritica (Ach.) Müll.Arg.
Mexico, Hidalgo, Honey Station