
Lichenes exsiccati. Series II #110
Merrill, Lich. Exs. Ser. II [?Rockland (Maine)]
George K. Merrill [1-150]
IndExs #434087812

University of Michigan Herbarium
Catalog #: 109143
A. S. Foster #s. n.
Lecidea berengeriana (A. Massal.) Nyl.
United States, Washington, Thurston, Gate

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-L-0085873
A.S. Foster #s.n.
Bryobilimbia hypnorum (Lib.) Fryday, Printzen & S. Ekman
United States, Washington, Thurston, Gate, ca. 10 miles SW of Olympia

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Lichens
Catalog #: PH00089789
Thomas D. Trana #15644 24 August 1988
Lecanora impudens Degel.
United States, North Dakota, Rolette, Turtle Mountains. Wakopa Game Management Area. Just east of the northeast corner of Dion Lake, 12 miles [19km] northwest of Belcourt.

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University - Lichens
Catalog #: PH00089791
Thomas D. Trana #15644 24 August 1988
Lecanora impudens Degel.
United States, North Dakota, Rolette, Turtle Mountains. Wakopa Game Management Area. Just east of the northeast corner of Dion Lake, 12 miles [19km] northwest of Belcourt.