
Lichenotheca Latinoamericana a museo botanico Berolinensi edita #43
Sipman, Lichenoth. Latinoamer. [Berlin]
Harrie J. M. Sipman [1-150]
IndExs #40308356

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-L-0120542
A. M. Cleef #10095 09 July 1973
Bunodophoron melanocarpum (Sw.) Wedin
Colombia, Arauca, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy. Plain of San Jose in valley of El Playôn

Lichen Herbarium of the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Catalog #: L-013803
A.M. Cleef #10095 09 July 1973
Bunodophoron melanocarpum (Sw.) Wedin
Colombia, Arauca