Poelt, Pl. Graec. Lich. [Graz]
Josef Poelt [1-560]
IndExs #588383734

Lichen Herbarium of the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Catalog #: L-047431
J. Hafellner s.n. 14 February 1982
Fulgensia schistidii (Anzi) Poelt
Austria, Steiermark, Ostalpen, Hochschwab-Gruppe. Talschuss des Rötzgrabens NNE von Trofaiach, am S-Fuss des Trenchtling (Hochturm)

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-L-0117116
J. Hafellner #s.n. 14 February 1982
Calogaya schistidii (Anzi) Arup, Frödén & Søchting
Austria, Styria, Eastern Alps, Hochschwab Group. Valley "shot" of the Rötzgraben, NNE from Trofaiach, at the S-foot of the Trenchtling (Hochturm)

Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University
Catalog #: LSU00191535
Josef Hafellner #s.n. 14 February 1987
Fulgensia schistidii (Anzi) Poelt
Austria, Styria, Ostalpen, Hochschwab-Gruppe, Steiermark: Talschuß des Rötzgrabens NNE von Trofaiach, am S-Fuß des Trenchtling (Hochturm), an einem großen Kalkblock, über Moosen [East Alps, Hochschwab Group, Styria: Valley end of the Rötzgraben NNE of Trofaiach, at the south foot of the Trenchtling (high tower), on a large limestone block, over moss]